Bullskrit, the Necronomicon Ex Mortis font is available for download.
Making the Book of Chaos from Lego Nexo Knights
Today I continue my Lego misadventures and make a realistic version of the The Book of Chaos from Lego Nexo Knights. This time I smoked my kitchen with a lot of burnt plastic smoke…
Making the Book of Monsters from Lego Nexo Knights
Today I make a realistic version of the The Book of Monsters from Lego Nexo Knights. I fail at making molds, I fail at painting… there’s a lot of fail
The Book of the Dead from The Mummy, final video
The Book of the Dead from the Mummy is ready! and here is a video summary of the project! There were MANY mistakes, but it’s done. The whole project took arround 3 weeks since we work on our off time but editing the video took many months since I wasn’t sure what exactly to show and what to take out… In any case, here it is:
The Book of the Dead from The Mummy (part 1)
The book we are making this time is the Book of the Dead from The Mummy (1999)!. The Book of the Dead from The Mummy has been in my to-do-list for a very long time, but I always thought I might be a bit too difficult to make. The whole clasps system looked a bit too fantastical to me. But, we actually got a request over Facebook asking if we could make a replica of it so we finally decided to at least start making a potential plan for building it. A couple of weeks later, we had a couple a reasonable plans and a list of materials so we started the build. In the end, the book was finished with a couple of parts missing, but you’ll will see all our misadventures on our next posts! The Book of the Dead References! As always the first par of any project is to gather some references. Sadly the movie doesn’t have quite enough shots of the prop to get much details so we based our replica on several other props that were floating on the internet. Here is a small compilation of the photos I used to start this build: … Read More
Star vs. the Forces of Evil Spellbook (Part 1)
So, after a VERY long pause, I’m back making new pages! After making Dipper’s journal 3 from Gravity Falls and The Enchiridion from Adventure Time, I thought the logical next step was to make the Magic Instruction Book from Star vs the Forces of Evil and complete my cartoon book collection! First step as always is to make the pages to put inside, so I’ll be uploading the tracings I make as soon as they are ready, when all of them are done I’ll put up all of them in a ZIP for download.
The Liontree book – finale
And the book is almost done, I just needed the resin parts to decorate the corners… Metalic paint on top of mate black primer Aged with liquid “Judea bitumen“ With that painted its time to make holes for all the screws and rivets And its done!!
The Liontree book – part 3
With the main illustration done, now its time for the repetitive part… assembling the text block… Sewing the pages… Adding some fabric to the back And gluing it all together… The comes the MDF sheets as covers and finally the leather on top Next time… resin details and final assembly!
The Liontree book – part 2
The first step was to print the illustration then cut some thin wood for the cover stick the illustration and copy it to the wood After the drawing was copied I traced it the a pyrograph Then a bit of wood stain so the outer part is darker and the middle illustration pops out Done! Next time… assembling the text block!
The Liontree book – part 1
A friend asked me for a book design and said it needed to have “a tree and a lion“. After collecting a lot of pic of lions and trees i came up with this illustration I then added some extra elements to complete the cover and finally put some textures to see how it would look in the real world.. Next time… starting the build!