The “Colorama Project” has begun! I’ve started making full color version of all the pages I have from the classic Evil Dead Necronomicon. I already had several of the pages, but they were quite disordered, also, If there were 2 versions of the same page (for example one version from the first movie, and another from Evil Dead 2) I just kept the most clear, now I´m making ALL the pages from all the versions, so you can make thicker books of just have a more complete collection of pages. the first pages are up and I will be uploading new pages every week (I hope along with more pages from the Deus Tenebris). If you want see all the pages (created up until now) and get them as PNG images, you can download them from google drive on the following link: Get the pages from google drive!
Necronomicon pages… spoted in League of Legends video!
I was watching youtube videos to get some inspiration to start painting a couple character designs so I went to watch several of the brilliantly animated and drawn videos from the League of Legends channel and while watching their video Pentakill: Mortal Reminder… guess what I found?!!? The necronomicon pages!!!! I mean, of course the brilliant designs are not mine… But hey! My re-tracings are good enough for a freaking Riot Games! Should I put that on me resume?? Haha The pages are inside the book the mysterious book opened just after 1:36! Take look: How cool is that!!
Evil Dead, Necronomicon pages (new links)
Dropbox download limit was reached… once again… so I’m moving all the files over to google photos where everyone is happier. Here is the new link:
The Necronomicon Pages – Final Version
Here it is, the final version of my VERY non-canon Necronomicon pages finally complete and ready to download. I just uploaded the final 5 pages and now it’s done (until someone sends me some mysterious page to re-trace), all 67 files are in hi res jpg files, you can download them all from google photos over here: download the Necronomicon pages!
Necronomicon (2013) update #15, the last one!
The final 4 pages from my Evil Dead 2013 version! That’s it, its finally complete (for now until someone sends me some more mysterious pages to remake) The necrofolder is over here:
Necronomicon (2013) update #14
4 more pages from my Evil Dead 2013 version! The necrofolder is over here:
Necronomicon (2013) update #13
4 more pages from my Evil Dead 2013 version! The necrofolder is over here:
Necronomicon (2013) update #12
4 more pages from my Evil Dead 2013 version! The necrofolder is over here:
Necronomicon (2013) update #11
4 more pages from my Evil Dead 2013 version! The necrofolder is over here:
Necronomicon (2013) update #10
4 more pages from my Evil Dead 2013 version! The necrofolder is over here: