Interested in mysterious Lovecraftian items? Couple months ago I was contracted to make several eldritch pages and illustrations for this very cool Kickstarter project: You can get some playing cards with illustrations inspired in the story At the Mountains of Madness, it comes with with a very nice wooden box and there are several other arcane items like ancient coins (designed by the absolute master Tomas Hijo), a stony Cthulhu idol and a super heavy leather bound ancient book illustrated by me!
Cthulhu idol, part 1
Some crapy drawings to more or less know how it should look at the end… In the end I went for the straight tentacles just because there were WAY easier to sculpt… I am THAT lazy The actual thing made out of the cheapest possible clay I could find. don´t really have that much idea about clays so… whatever, any reasonably fine clay will do… And the finished thingy… I had no idea how to cook the thing to make it hard but in the end I wanted to create a silicone mold out of it so I just left it there.