Skulltopus book – Part 4: a bit of color

JC Randombookbinding, diyLeave a Comment

Added some lacquer so when I paint the wood around the drawing the color tone go into the actual logo. After that I added some color to the wood using my favorite multipurpose ink: coffee! Also a bit of bitumen of judea for the burnt effect on the bottom. Some random thingy for the corners. Covered for spaying the lacquer. DONE

Skulltopus book – Part 3: Drwaing

JC Randombookbinding, diyLeave a Comment

I drew the logo with a pencil. Logo done! Go over the lines with the pirograph. Errase the pencil lines that were left. Add some shadows…   Add some random crazy glyphs… and done! Ready for the next step, giving some color to the wood.