The Enchiridion from Adventure Time – part 7

JC Randombookbinding, diy, propLeave a Comment

Lets paint some resin! Here are the resin pieces just taken out from the silicone molds. As you can see, they are quite transparent. All of them: I applied a base coat of very dark mate gray and a coat of acrylic paint (metallic copper): Here is the process including the copper rust effect: Base coat of dark gray or black + copper A coat of green/blue acrylic paint mix Then remove the green/blue paint with a wet rag before it dries Finally, apply judea bitumen and then take if off with mineral spirits To be continued!

Skulltopus book – Part 4: a bit of color

JC Randombookbinding, diyLeave a Comment

Added some lacquer so when I paint the wood around the drawing the color tone go into the actual logo. After that I added some color to the wood using my favorite multipurpose ink: coffee! Also a bit of bitumen of judea for the burnt effect on the bottom. Some random thingy for the corners. Covered for spaying the lacquer. DONE