As allways, theres too much to do and to little time to do it, but I managed to ink a couple more pages from the necronomicon and uploaded them to the necro-dropbox folder where you can download them all. (transparent PNG files). The dropbox necro-folder is over here: All my other downloads are here: Salutations!
Gravity Falls ready-to-print PDF
I just did a very short tutorial on how I print my books to bind them but I know maybe not everybody has inDesign all ready and loaded up to organize all this stuff so I have added a convenient PDF download so you can go straight to printing and make the actual book instead of spending the next 5 hours organizing stupid pages. Enjoy! Download Gravity Falls Journal 3 ready-to-print PDF Here is the instructions on how to assemble the book: You can also go to the download page for Gravity Falls and scroll to the bottom of the page where you can also find the tiny image-tutorial I made on how to assemble the book.
The original Necronomicon pages (Naturom Demonto) – Part 1 of many
Enough disgusting laziness! I’m back to work and back to the project that started this whole occult book thing, the NECRONOMICON from the original Evil Dead. This time I will be uploading the pages I make as soon as they are done Instead of the usual HUGE ZIP file. Please click the image below to go to my dropbox gallery where you can download them individually or all together in a ZIP. Enjoy! Download the pages HERE Lets try this dropbox gallery thing, looks quite useful for me since I don’t have to be zipping and uploading stuff and you guys can download the files as soon as its ready instead of waiting for another 666 weeks until I finish. I have about 70 pages ordered and ready to start tracing and inking, some from the original movies, others from DVD covers, some I will invent as always. I have also gathered screen-caps from the book on the new series so there’s a LOT of work still to be done I guess I’ll be posting updates once a week or so. See you later! ( Be good deadites and shere! ->
Me, at the Replica Prop Forum
If you’re into props and replicas and haven’t visited the RPF yet, please do, it’s a magical place. And in case your also a member, here is my profile: JCPORCEL
The Black Zodiac Page Set
Back in December 2015, I randomly saw a post on Facebook about the “Black Zodiac”, the occult book shown on the movie Thirteen Ghost, I thought the illustrations were really cool so I obviously wanted a prop of my own but turns out these particular pages are basically impossible to find in a respectable resolution for print (at least back in 2015). Thus (also obviously), I decided to make my own super hi res versions and learn a bit of illustrator in the process since there´s quite a bit of gears and mechanical parts on some of the pages. I think the result was pretty decent, I even created a font file to fill in all the text (which is giberish right now but who cares…). I also replicated the paper texture that was rather unique or at least it looked interesting on the images on the internet. In any case, here are some of the pages I replicated, you can as always download everything for free and hi-res on the new download section for this book! Cheers! Here are a couple of example pages: Download all pages over HERE
Gravity Falls Journal 3 – Part 8: last details
And finally, the last details are added, which are the photos, maps and other schematics that go glued or attached with tape to the book: Done! And yes… there should be a lot of red parts… but since I made photocopies so the coffee wouldn’t wash away the ink while aging the paper… everything had to be black =(. Color photocopies are rather expensive.. and there were a lot of pages to copy… so there, convenience won this time… If you want to download all the pages in hi-res including the ones i invented, head over to the download page (its all for free!) Keep it mysterious! And watch Gravity Falls if you have not, it’s a masterpiece of animation, storytelling, character design, narrative, coloring, etc, etc, etc.
Gravity Falls Journal 3 – Part 7: final assembly
To fix the hand to the cover I just went with screws. It is very strong, and I think it look cool and medieval. I made holes in the copper with this tool: Here is the hand with holes in the copper sheet ready, and the number “3″ painted with black nail polish: Here are the are the corner parts: If you want to know how I made and painted these, here is a post I made about the process in more detail. Its very important to make small holes before putting in the screws so that the wood, trupan or other material you are using wont split once the screws go in. This is the only pieces that i bought, some cool metal corners: Here is the cover with the hand and corner pieces all screwed in place: But since the book is actually red, I used cherry colored acrylic paint to give the leather a red-ish hue. Also a couple of gold painted straps for the side. And the book is almost done. To be continued!
Gravity Fals Jounal 3 – Part 5: The 6-finger hand
To make the hand on the cover I first turned a screenshot of the book into the size of the paper I wanted to use (half-folio). Here is the printout on my pre-cut piece of trupan (already on the correct size of the final book) just for a final size check: Paper hand cut on top of a random crap of trupan: I sprayed the whole thing with whatever color I had near: And then I lifted the paper and had a perfect mark to cut out the trupan. Here is the trupan hand allready cut: And here is the sheet of copper that I used to make the metal cover of the trupan hand: Here is the coper hand ready to go on top of the trupan part: And finally, here is the trupan hand, covered with the copper sheet (u used ). To be continued!
Gravity Falls Journal 3 – Part 4: page-binding
For this part I just did a mix of Coptic stitch and other kinds into one that I find easy to do. (For info and tutorials about the actual stitching check this youtube channel, that should be all the styles and techniques you need ) First I joined the pages into 4 sheet signatures: Then I used my punching cradle to make holes for the thread. Here are the signatures with the holes ready: The comes a couple pieces of fabric to hold the thread: (For info and tutorials about the actual stitching check this youtube channel, that should be all the styles and techinques you need ) And finally, I put some hard begin and end to the text block (which I of course forgot at the beginning) The i used a bit of standard common gauze medical for the upper part: Text block ready! To be continued!
Gravity Falls Journal 3 – Part 3: aging the paper
As I did before I used warm water with coffee to make the paper look old. This time I added a bit of brown dye so I don’t need to add so much coffee. Put the pages and wrinkle them once inside the coffee, which will not only change the color of the paper but actually make it look like those ancient pirate maps.. If you the paper looks too old and wrinkly just do the wrinkling before submerging in the coffee. I used a large plastic sheet to let the pages dry… And here are all the pages drying: And here is the final result: To be continued!