The Mummy project (part 3) cover holders and birds

JC Randombookbinding, diy, propLeave a Comment

Now that the covers and pages are ready, it’s time to make the wooden parts that hold them together. All of those:

Based on the size of the cover I drew a very rough sketch of a side-view of the book:

And then re-drew it on illustrator so I could print any number of copies:

The final printout looks like this:

You can download the full res version from the Mummy download page.

Here is applied directly on to the plywood for cutting:

After the shapes are cut, it’s time for sanding:

An so, the cover holders are ready:

One last detail that was added is the squares texture that goes on top of each piece. First just drawn by hand:

And then burnt:

With those ready, let’s make the birds that hold the front cover in place. The procedure is basically the same.

First a very rough sketch:

Then into illustrator:

Finally printed and glued onto the plywood to cut:

The extra step here is that, once the piece is cut, there a bit of extra dremeling necessary to actually get the curved shape on top:

The I added a bit of 2 part epoxy clay to mode the heads of the birds:

Here are all the bird heads ready:

Next episode will make the other wood pieces and assemble the spine of the book!

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