Ash vs the Evil Dead – pages update

JC Randomart and illustration, prop8 Comments

Since I already did my version of the Necronomicon from the 2013 movie (over here), and are in the middle of recreating the pages from the classic movies (over here), I thought I might as well do the pages from the new absolutely awesome series Ash vs the Evil Dead.

The challenge here is that these pages are drawn in a watercolor-like style and also.. there are animated so I’ve made a composition of several frames to more or less assemble a page that I could  re-draw (maybe)…

This will take quite a bit of time to make since I’m not even sure what style to use to re-make them but I leave you with the assembled page I created from screenshots in case anyone finds them useful.

Here is my work in progress…. VERY “in progress”

These first pages were all over the internet when the series was first released so no mistery here…

And here are my attempts to re-shape screenshots from the show in order to re-trace them:

And here is another pic that is obviously not from the book but its just cool so I might make it into a page:

I have created a dropbox folder with the hi-res versions of all these images so you can download them if you want, just go over here:


8 Comments on “Ash vs the Evil Dead – pages update”

  1. hi i dont know if this will help but you can find a lot of pages online. also do you know when this will be redy ? i love these pages the most of all.

  2. Hey there,

    The link to download the images is not working.

    But thank you for compiling everything, that’s a lot of dedication. I am hand drawing the book and would like it to include the pages from the series.

  3. The files in the DL section that you pointed at to are no longer available. can you please update them?

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