Evil Dead necronomicon full color pages

JC Randomart and illustration, bookbinding, diy, download5 Comments

The “Colorama Project” has begun!

I’ve started making full color version of all the pages I have from the classic Evil Dead Necronomicon. I already had several of the pages, but they were quite disordered, also, If there were 2 versions of the same page (for example one version from the first movie, and another from Evil Dead 2) I just kept the most clear, now I´m making ALL the pages from all the versions, so you can make thicker books of just have a more complete collection of pages.

the first pages are up and I will be uploading new pages every week (I hope along with more pages from the Deus Tenebris).

If you want see all the pages (created up until now) and get them as PNG images, you can download them from google drive on the following link:

Get the pages from google drive!

5 Comments on “Evil Dead necronomicon full color pages”

  1. Pingback: 4 New full color necro-pages ready! | The Elder Props

  2. Pingback: Evil Dead DVD 1 and 2 ready for download! | The Elder Props

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