Gravity Falls Journal 3 – Part 2: Printing Booklets

JC RandombookbindingLeave a Comment

So, since I wanted to bind this using 4-page signatures (like in this tutorial), I needed to print the page spreads in a very special page order … which I (of course) didn’t know how to do, thus, my first idea was to make mini signatures to know what was the page order supposed to be… So later I could arage my pages on inDesign in the same order: And then came knowledge and the horrid shadow of ignorance left and I learned that inDesign has a magical tool to make this whole thing automatically! So here is how my document looks liks in inDesign, just pages in regular order, nothing fancy: This awesome tool is over here: And here are the settings I used to print my document as  4-page-spread signatures: This is magical. To be continued!

Gravity Falls Journal 3 – Intro

JC RandompropLeave a Comment

Gravity Falls is one of the best shows ever made, probably my favorite; the story and art are absolutely fantastic and it’s full of mysterious artifacts and weird props of all kinds. Sadly, yet understandably, this masterpiece is coming to its end soon, so I decided to pay tribute and build a replica of the mysterious Journal 3 that is a central part of the show. I was thinking of making just the covers but then I started searching for the inner pages and found plenty of documentation, info and screenshots of the show and the journal over at the Gravity Falls Wiki so in the end I decided to make the complete thing, with all the inner pages. It the next posts I’ll be showing the process of the build.

Making a punching cradle

JC Randombookbinding, diyLeave a Comment

After many hurt fingers I decided to build a punching cradle and avoid any more unnecessary fingerly bloodshed. Something like this… I found several very classy and beautiful models but I wanted something as simple as possible so here is it is. Couple planks cut in half. Joined two of the halves with the those magical “L” thingys I like so much. I drew the shape of the joined half on the side panels to know where to drill holes. I actually drill very thin holes before putting the screws; it helps the screws grip the material and they go in perfectly strait. Add pre-screw holes in the joined halves too. PRO TIP! Use pop rivets to keep the thing in place while putting the screws. All done.   Now it’s just a matter of placing the pages with a marker for the position of the holes… and punch the holes in just a few seconds And it doubles as a fabulous table for my your favorite drinks and condiments! WIN

Arcade cabinet, part 1 – scale model!

JC RandomdiyLeave a Comment

I guess this is not very lovecraftian related but, but watever. Turns out my boss bought an X-Arcade a long time ago and has never actually used it so we decided to make an cabinet for it and put it in the office so productivity can reach an all time low. I used my diningroom table to more or less calculate the correct height. I tweeked the height with some books. I used my diningroom table to more or less calculate the correct height. I tweeked the height with some books. So here is the small scale model of the computer screen and X-Arcade. Side panels placed And the model is more ore less done. Till next time!