The Enchiridion from Adventure Time – Finished!

JC Randombookbinding, diy, prop2 Comments

And thus, the Enchiridion is finally complete!, It took way more time that expected by I think it looks pretty decent.

This prop will go to my friend for his birthday (wihch was like 7 months ago..) and I might do another copy for me… but that will have to wait, I’m tired and sleepy age so I shall go into a deathless sleep until next week… see you soon!

2 Comments on “The Enchiridion from Adventure Time – Finished!”

  1. Pingback: Star vs. the Forces of Evil Spellbook (Part 1) - The Elder Props

  2. Hello!

    I am attempting to make something similar for my boyfriend for Christmas, though I am making a new binding for the actual Enchiridion, which I have ordered in paperback. I was curious about the resin molding you did for the details on the cover. Could you have just used the original wood and clay molds? I don’t have any of the materials to do resin casting and I don’t even know how to do it really, so I was just going to make the details on the front with wood, clay, and metal.

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