JC Randomart and illustration, download, gamesLeave a Comment

(NON-prop related post!) UPDATE!: MiniDOOM is ready to play! Doom 4 will be released very soon, and it was a very influential game in my childhood (a million years ago) so my brother and I are making a parody game as a tribute. It will be doom as it was an old school platformer. I’m in charge of making all the graphics, animations and backgrounds while my brother does the programing. Here is a screenshot: Some of the sprites i made: For more silliness go to my illustration blog over HERE (PD, I’m also making an occult book about doom… more updates as soon as I actually start that…)

The Black Zodiac Page Set

JC Randomdownload, page set, prop1 Comment

Back in December 2015, I randomly saw a post on Facebook about the “Black Zodiac”, the occult book shown on the movie Thirteen Ghost, I thought the illustrations were really cool so I obviously wanted a prop of my own but turns out these particular pages are basically impossible to find in a respectable resolution for print (at least back in 2015). Thus (also obviously), I decided to make my own super hi res versions and learn a bit of illustrator in the process since there´s quite a bit of gears and mechanical parts on some of the pages. I think the result was pretty decent, I even created a font file to fill in all the text (which is giberish right now but who cares…). I also replicated the paper texture that was rather unique or at least it looked interesting on the images on the internet. In any case, here are some of the pages I replicated, you can as always download everything for free and hi-res on the new download section for this book! Cheers! Here are a couple of example pages: Download all pages over HERE

Gravity Falls Journal 3 – download all pages

JC Randomdownload, page set14 Comments

So, when I started this project one of the main objectives was to re-create hi-resolution version of all the pages to share with the internet since I wasn’t able to find any while creating my replica and I bet theres a couple crazy people out there that also want to make their own journals. Once I finished all the canon pages I realized there were many awesome creatures and artifacts that never show up on the book within the show so I re-watched the series another 4 times and created new pages for every episode that was missing in the book. Here I leave you a ZIP file on my download section where you can download them all. There are landscape pages Folio size in 300dpi. Download here! Download here! As always It´s all for free, use them as you like, if you put a link back to this page, that´d be really nice, if not, its ok too. Enjoy! And I will tell everyone yet again, if you have not watched this series, please do, it’s amazing.