Evil Dead DVD 1 and 2 ready for download!

JC Randomart and illustration, diy, download, evil dead, page setLeave a Comment

This week I completed the pages from the Evil Dead 1 and 2 DVDs and put together a proper download on Gumroad. I will start with the last DVD next week but for now there are already 23 new pages ready. Here are a couple of previews of the new pagers: You can go to the download page to get this and the pages from evil dead in full color, or directly to the download page on Gumroad

4 New full color necro-pages ready!

JC Randomdiy, downloadLeave a Comment

The download page is over HERE! Four new full color pages ready! (even though there are like 5 color really…) And with that the pages from the first movie (at least the ones you can see along the film) are complete. I made the ink on the pages all brown since that is more or less the color one can see in the movie. Either faded blood or maybe some very old ink that has lost its full black tint. Whatever the case, this should look decent once printed over already aged paper with normal liquid ink, or maybe laser print and aging later. I will make a couple tests this week and adjust the colors if necessary later for the REAL final downloadable version. Next week we start with the pages with red ink from the second movie! The download page is over HERE!

Evil Dead necronomicon full color pages

JC Randomart and illustration, bookbinding, diy, download5 Comments

The “Colorama Project” has begun! I’ve started making full color version of all the pages I have from the classic Evil Dead Necronomicon. I already had several of the pages, but they were quite disordered, also, If there were 2 versions of the same page (for example one version from the first movie, and another from Evil Dead 2) I just kept the most clear, now I´m making ALL the pages from all the versions, so you can make thicker books of just have a more complete collection of pages. the first pages are up and I will be uploading new pages every week (I hope along with more pages from the Deus Tenebris). If you want see all the pages (created up until now) and get them as PNG images, you can download them from google drive on the following link: Get the pages from google drive!

Creepy Christmas 2019

JC RandomdiyLeave a Comment

It’s time for creepy christmas once again! As we do every year, we choose some creepy or non-christmasy theme to celebrate the holidays. This year we didn’t have any good ideas but we had a LOT of skeletos and skulls left over from halloween so we just gathered all of them and put them on top of a VERY cheap tree… This is our 2 dollar tree (painted black ofcourse…) It was falling apart… obviously… so we added a bit of tape… And covered the broken parts with some fabric. We thought of using a skull as the star on top of the tree: And we wanted to add some lights to it’s eyes for extra creepyness… Later we thought it might look better with a golden skull instead… It looked a bit too clean so we added a bit of watered down acrylic paint so it would add details… Test the lights… Add some tiny skeletons all over… DONE!