Evil Dead Rise pages for print!

JC Randomart and illustration, evil dead, necronomicon, page setLeave a Comment

After a rather irritating month filled with work, I’m finally back to actually meaningful work, making more demonic pages! I’ve been working on the Evil Dead Rise Necronomicon pages for a couple months now, they are VERY complicated and filled with some quite uniquely shaped text lines so I took quite a bit of experimentation to make a reasonable version without becoming blind while replicating all the art. I ended up making a font file and used a lot of illustrator to shape long lines of text to fill the space on the parts without illustrations. I will make a couple upgrades to it before making it available but for now, lets start with a couple pages that actually came from the LP sound track from the movie. I’ve uploaded the first pages to google photos and will prepare a nice download file next week with a couple more files and illustrations.

New tabletop resources!

JC Randomart and illustration, download, games, Tabletop rpgs2 Comments

I’ve been playing tabletop RPGs since I was in school back during the late 90s and early 2000s. I stopped because my group became obsessed with extreme rules lawyering and min-maxing. All the narrative fun disappeared in a toxic miasma of irrelevant rules, nonsensical details and a million stupid rulebooks, it was sad and irritating. Luckily time heals all wounds, including the mental illness which is strictly using Dungeons and Dragons rules. Back then we used to play D&D 3 and 3.5, we even tried 4th edition, which was like the misshapen, bastard child of a ttrpg and World of Warcraft, terrible… and that’s when I quit so it’s been quite a long time. But, lately I’m am absolutely happy to report that, just like in the world of videogames, indie creators have saved the ttrpg world. The variety of rules, designs and extraordinary art I have discovered in the past few months has violently reminded me how much I love ttrpgs. Now that I’m back in this world, I’ve decided I also must contribute to this awesome hobby so I’ve added a new section to the site where to put RPG related stuff. To start with, I made some … Read More

Evil Dead DVD 1 and 2 ready for download!

JC Randomart and illustration, diy, download, evil dead, page setLeave a Comment

This week I completed the pages from the Evil Dead 1 and 2 DVDs and put together a proper download on Gumroad. I will start with the last DVD next week but for now there are already 23 new pages ready. Here are a couple of previews of the new pagers: You can go to the download page to get this and the pages from evil dead in full color, or directly to the download page on Gumroad

Creepshow Necronomicon

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Another suggestion from the community! This necro comes from the episode “Public Television Of The Dead” from Creepshow. The episode is hilarious, and the book is actually really cool so I gave myself a few days to replicate the 6 pages that are visible. Download from You can pay what you want or get it for free. This time I also made my first official “PROP MALER KIT”, which means this download also has all interesting illustrations and decorations as transparent single PNG files so you can use them to make your own Necro-books! Here is the preview of all images: Download from You can pay what you want or get it for free.

At The Mountains of Madness Playing Cards

JC Randomart and illustration, bookbinding, cthulhu2 Comments

Interested in mysterious Lovecraftian items? Couple months ago I was contracted to make several eldritch pages and illustrations for this very cool Kickstarter project: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/cthulhuproject/at-the-mountains-of-madness-lovecraft-playing-cards You can get some playing cards with illustrations inspired in the story At the Mountains of Madness, it comes with with a very nice wooden box and there are several other arcane items like ancient coins (designed by the absolute master Tomas Hijo), a stony Cthulhu idol and a super heavy leather bound ancient book illustrated by me!

Evil Dead necronomicon full color pages

JC Randomart and illustration, bookbinding, diy, download5 Comments

The “Colorama Project” has begun! I’ve started making full color version of all the pages I have from the classic Evil Dead Necronomicon. I already had several of the pages, but they were quite disordered, also, If there were 2 versions of the same page (for example one version from the first movie, and another from Evil Dead 2) I just kept the most clear, now I´m making ALL the pages from all the versions, so you can make thicker books of just have a more complete collection of pages. the first pages are up and I will be uploading new pages every week (I hope along with more pages from the Deus Tenebris). If you want see all the pages (created up until now) and get them as PNG images, you can download them from google drive on the following link: Get the pages from google drive!

The Liontree book – part 2

JC Randomart and illustration, diyLeave a Comment

The first step was to print the illustration then cut some thin wood for the cover stick the illustration and copy it to the wood After the drawing was copied I traced it the a pyrograph Then a bit of wood stain so the outer part is darker and the middle illustration pops out Done! Next time… assembling the text block!

The Liontree book – part 1

JC Randomart and illustration, diyLeave a Comment

A friend asked me for a book design and said it needed to have “a tree and a lion“. After collecting a lot of pic of lions and trees i came up with this illustration I then added some extra elements to complete the cover and finally put some textures to see how it would look in the real world.. Next time… starting the build!

X-Files, I want to believe poster

JC Randomart and illustration, download, propLeave a Comment

I was re-watching the x-files, which was a huge part of my youth so I obviously wanted a “I want to believe” poster for my workshop but I couldn´t find a good hi-res file, besides there are quite a few versions floating around. I the end, i chose this scene as reference: And I made mine with a mixture of images from all over the internet. You can download the image from HERE