The original Necronomicon pages (Naturom Demonto) – Part 1 of many

JC Randomdownload, page set, propLeave a Comment

Enough disgusting laziness! I’m back to work and back to the project that started this whole occult book thing, the NECRONOMICON from the original Evil Dead. This time I will be uploading the pages I make as soon as they are done Instead of the usual HUGE ZIP file. Please click the image below to go to my dropbox gallery where you can download them individually or all together in a ZIP. Enjoy! Download the pages HERE Lets try this dropbox gallery thing, looks quite useful for me since I don’t have to be zipping and uploading stuff and you guys can download the files as soon as its ready instead of waiting for another 666 weeks until I finish. I have about 70 pages ordered and ready to start tracing and inking, some from the original movies, others from DVD covers, some I will invent as always. I have also gathered screen-caps from the book on the new series so there’s a LOT of work still to be done I guess I’ll be posting updates once a week or so. See you later! ( Be good deadites and shere! ->

The Black Zodiac Page Set

JC Randomdownload, page set, prop1 Comment

Back in December 2015, I randomly saw a post on Facebook about the “Black Zodiac”, the occult book shown on the movie Thirteen Ghost, I thought the illustrations were really cool so I obviously wanted a prop of my own but turns out these particular pages are basically impossible to find in a respectable resolution for print (at least back in 2015). Thus (also obviously), I decided to make my own super hi res versions and learn a bit of illustrator in the process since there´s quite a bit of gears and mechanical parts on some of the pages. I think the result was pretty decent, I even created a font file to fill in all the text (which is giberish right now but who cares…). I also replicated the paper texture that was rather unique or at least it looked interesting on the images on the internet. In any case, here are some of the pages I replicated, you can as always download everything for free and hi-res on the new download section for this book! Cheers! Here are a couple of example pages: Download all pages over HERE

Gravity Falls Journal 3 – download all pages

JC Randomdownload, page set14 Comments

So, when I started this project one of the main objectives was to re-create hi-resolution version of all the pages to share with the internet since I wasn’t able to find any while creating my replica and I bet theres a couple crazy people out there that also want to make their own journals. Once I finished all the canon pages I realized there were many awesome creatures and artifacts that never show up on the book within the show so I re-watched the series another 4 times and created new pages for every episode that was missing in the book. Here I leave you a ZIP file on my download section where you can download them all. There are landscape pages Folio size in 300dpi. Download here! Download here! As always It´s all for free, use them as you like, if you put a link back to this page, that´d be really nice, if not, its ok too. Enjoy! And I will tell everyone yet again, if you have not watched this series, please do, it’s amazing.

Necronomicon (Evil Dead 2013) – Part 1, drawing the pages

JC Randompage set1 Comment

To start with, I searched a couple hours around the internet to see if there was some pdf or something like that with the pages of the book from the movie but I couldn’t find it. There is probably some good scan or something but since I quite like drawing and needed some extra practice I just downloaded the movie and very patiently paused all over the film and took screenshots wherever the book is shown open so trace the drawings. Some looked ok and were easy to copy… Some not so much, there were too much closeups… Obviamente tuve que inventarme todas las partes de las ilustraciones que estaban fuera del la escena como la cabra aquí: Or burny zombie over here:x Did the same for all the pages with ilustrations (all done in photoshop): (You can download the page over HERE) (And the fonts over HERE)