Star vs. the Forces of Evil Spellbook (Part 14) Gemstones

JC Randombookbinding, diy, star vs the forces of evilLeave a Comment

I initially thought of making all the gemstones from the book out of resin and trying to paint them with some sort of transparent paint but after several days of doubts I just decided to find some real stones.  I luckily found this offensive piece of “jewelry” which had the exact shape of stones I needed and a very acceptable hue of purple! I cut the necklaces and selected the best stones: The actually look great! I used the stones just as they were for the cover part but the stone on the side needed to be a bit smaller so i cut it with a grinder. Then made a small wooden circle to put it in: All ready to go to assembly! See you all next time!

Star vs. the Forces of Evil Spellbook (Part 13) Painting decorations

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And here are some pics of the pieces from yesterday being painted! Here is the plain wood piece just sanded: And the painted with some woodstain: And finally with its golden decoration. It was done by first paragraphing a groove and then adding some golden nail polish: All ready! Next time we’ll build the last decorations before putting it all together! Bye! 

Star vs. the Forces of Evil Spellbook (Part 12) Making decorations

JC Randombookbinding, diy, star vs the forces of evilLeave a Comment

Whenever one adapts any prop from this kind of animation into reality there’s quite a lot of details that eventually have to be either invented or simply interpreted to your own taste. In this case, the first interpretation had to be the shapes of all the decorations on both covers of the book. They have many slightly different shapes across the screenshots I could find but in the end i decided to make a very symmetrical version of them all. I thought that just like the cartoons are stylized deformed versions of real humans, the shapes on the book are the same but in book version. Here is an image of the original flat open book with all the decorations I found over here.  It seems to me like the perspective is not quite right based on other screenshots I’ve taken but is absolutely fantastic reference material. So, here are my very symmetrical and exact version: I changed a bit the colors and printed out the complete page: I cut every part that will be cut and trace it with copy-paper into a think piece of wood: And then into the scroll saw: And then after some sanding the symbol … Read More

Star vs. the Forces of Evil Spellbook (Part 11) building the text block

JC Randombookbinding, diy, star vs the forces of evil1 Comment

And thus it begins! After all the pages are done, we can now turn to the really complicated part… actually building the book. Step 1: Building the text block The first part was to build the text block. I already had the pages traced and printed so I took some photocopies of them so that I could age the page in water and don’t damage the drawings. The I used my usual aging process and placed the paper in water with fabric dye for a 10 or 20 seconds. Then let all pages dry out over plastic. I never use an actually flat surface because the small pools of water leave a lot of marks and dark spots on the pages that I really like.

Star vs. the Forces of Evil Spellbook (Part 10) All pages complete!

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So, here they are. All the pages I managed to trace based only on screenshots from the TV show. These are not the official pages from the book the might or might not be available in the future. Nor have I seen the ones shown in the comics. You can download all the pages on the Star vs the Forces of Evil download page! Next week we start to build the actual physical book! Enjoy!

Ultimate Gravity Falls pages collection

JC Randombookbinding, diy, gravity falls1 Comment

Probably the most common question I get about the Gravity Falls pages is “Where are the pages from vol 1 and vol 2?!”, which is understandable since the book has 3 in the name so people amuse all pages belong to that volume alone. So, I have reordered all the pages in volumes so there’s no more confusion. I also added a few new pages just so it’s all complete! So please go the the revamped Gravity Falls download page where you can get all the new files!