Gravity Fals Jounal 3 – Part 5: The 6-finger hand

JC Randomdiy, propLeave a Comment

To make the hand on the cover I first turned a screenshot of the book into the size of the paper I wanted to use (half-folio).


Here is the printout on my pre-cut piece of trupan (already on the correct size of the final book) just for a final size check:


Paper hand cut on top of a random crap of trupan:


I sprayed the whole thing with whatever color I had near:


And then I lifted the paper and had a perfect mark to cut out the trupan.


Here is the trupan hand allready cut:


And here is the sheet of copper that I used to make the metal cover of the trupan hand:


Here is the coper hand ready to go on top of the trupan part:


And finally, here is the trupan hand, covered with the copper sheet (u used ).



To be continued!

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