For the cover of the book I used actual leather since I already make all my book with it and I had a lot at hand…
This is my half-a-cow-hide, it’s called “Sally”.

And here is the book on top of the leather to calculate the size of the leather I needed to cut:

The leather already cut:

Then I just used some strong white glue (if you have wood glue use that)

After pasting the leather I cut the remaning part out. Yes, i know this is very far from the correct way to cover a book with leather, but 1) its very very fast and easy, and 2) I kinda like it… so there… I’m lazy…

By the way, for the back part i just covered the leather in this fantastic kind of duct tape that’s made out of fabric. It looks like this, really have no idea whats its official name…

And yes.. I know that the journal from Gravity Falls is red all around and has no black parts.. but I usually just make some changes on the original designs if I like them so this is one of those changes.
To be continued!